Fixing Font Problems Detected by Font Box |
After reading all your fonts, Font Box performs the tests you specified in the 'Analyze Old Fonts' window. After each test, Font Box displays a Results window listing what if any problems it found. Font Box also recommends what action you should take to fix the problems so they do not affect your new font library. In most cases, Results windows have two buttons: 'Fix' and 'Don't Fix'. Simply click one of the two buttons and Font Box carries out your request. If you want Font Box to fix most, but not all of the problems it identified, hold down the Command key and click on the items you wish to avoid fixing. Font Box deselects those items. You can then click the 'Fix' button to fix the problems for all the other fonts. Corrupt FontsIf Font Box detects any corrupt fonts, it displays a Results window listing the problem fonts. Click the 'Fix' button to fix the problems or the 'Don't Fix' button to disregard the problems. Note that if you ignore the problems, Font Box itself may crash later in the process. Duplicate FontsIf Font Box finds duplicate fonts, it displays the list in a Results window. Click the 'Fix' button to eliminate the duplicates from your new, clean fonts. If you click the 'Don't Fix' button, Font Box includes the duplicates, and you risk displaying unpredictable output. Font Box displays another Results window if it detects duplicate TrueType and Type 1 fonts. You can then click one of the following buttons to tell which fonts you want in your new library: 'Keep TrueType', 'Keep Type 1', or 'Keep Both'. If you have a PostScript printer or you send output to service bureaus or typesetters, then include the 'Type 1' fonts. Otherwise, include the TrueType fonts. Unmatched FontsFont Box also displays a Results window for its unmatched (orphaned) Type 1 fonts test. If Font Box displays a list of fonts missing either their bitmapped or PostScript components, click the 'Fix' button to exclude them from your new fonts. Large Bitmapped FontsIf Font Box detects extra or superfluous bitmapped fonts, you'll see another Results window. If you use Adobe Type Manager and want to save disk space and memory, you can click the 'Fix' button to exclude the sizes from your new font library. Otherwise, click the 'Don't Fix' button. Important: If you are not an ATM user, do not check this box. Starting the Font Creation ProcessNext, Font Box displays a dialog asking if you want Font Box to close other active applications (including Finder) so Font Box can begin moving your fonts about. Click the 'Force Quit' button to quit the applications or the 'Continue' button to proceed. You can press the Continue button only if you are not analyzing the Fonts folder in the System folder or moving fonts into it. |
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